Last year, during the summer (read: peak CSA share months), I offered a feature / service I dubbed the CSA Share Ninja Rescue.
Here's what it is:
Have you ever had one of those "what the heck is THAT and how do I EAT it?!!" moments when you open your CSA share?
I certainly have.
Or would you like to be more food-adventurous and try something from your local farmers' market -- say, rhubarb -- that you have never eaten before and don't know how to prepare?
Enter the Ninj and the CSA Share Ninja Rescue.
Each week, you tell me what you received in your share box that is giving you angst and I will give you some ideas for how to use it.
Baffled by bok choy? Confounded by kohlrabi and kale? Despairing over daikon? Traumatized by tatsoi? Yep, the Ninj can help.
Too many tomatoes? Zillions of zucchini? I'm here for you.
Each Monday I will post about the CSA Share Ninja Rescue. Send me your suggestions / questions / dilemmas by Friday of that week posting a comment on the Monday post or by emailing me at kitninja (at) gmail (dot) com. Each week I will review the suggestions and on the following Monday provide as many helpful recipe and/or preserving ideas as I can.
We had a lot of fun with this last year and I look forward to more of the same this year.
Let's celebrate the CSA together!
So, let's get started: what's in your box this week?